Saturday, 21 November 2009

Update wow~~

For a long time not update my blog
I got so many stories like that
But I do not know how to get started
Recently very hard to learn
To ensure that ..
Every day I try
Facebook is not free to play and update blog also
Thank you for the add my facebook
I will try to find a time to return back to you all

happy weekend

Saturday, 24 October 2009


update add me
thank you :)

search my name facebook "kimmy kimika"
and you will find :P

Friday, 23 October 2009

New friendster

add me :)
long time not update my blog
sorry for late reply
i'm sick T^T
for 2-3 days very bad!!!!!
and tortured :x
coming soon update FACEBOOK :)

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Simple day~

update 10/10/2009

today went to outside with my friends
seek for new condominium
that's location be not good ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
and when me and my friends about to 3 ppl
back at home....
do you know what happened with ours?
it the rain fall..........
anyone soaked all..........=.=
just stop OMGGG!!!!
this night i say....good night & sweet dream

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Rainstorm :(

since i'm awake..
rain incessantly ah!!!!
so boring....can not go out
because to become wet = =v

nothing write -o-

today i think go out if stop raining
shopping shopping!!!!
long time didn't shopping
lately at this time i maybe free more and more
i'm happy coz so tired so long
now i want to relax once..

Saturday, 26 September 2009

good day :)

come back agian
after long time disappeared
i ever told you all lately at this time busy work and study
seldom online = =v

today must to awake for review a working
now confuse.....unsure about to work
because now i have 2 working must to determine
to do or not?????
it's determine so hard...
but now i don't know determine?:x
after finished review already

went to department store for buy consumer goods

hahaha!!!for support oneself
account :: 1790 bath


Fat sure...!!!!!!

nothing special write
if reply so late i'm sorry
support everybody
happy night~

Friday, 11 September 2009


Long time ago not update my blog
busy work very very working everyday
than will back @ home 22.00 pm everyday
i'm so tired...:(

lately at this time ....
must to apprentice for use in my study
i wish all my dear friends happy weekend
happy all time^^
快乐的时间 "
++coming soon update will update again++


Tuesday, 25 August 2009



from now on...

i don't care the person the whole bunch
now my feeling better a bit
want stay alone just a moment
for reconsider about story all ago
i will to pay attention about study give to futhermore
and doing work give it one's best shot and to the utmost with it!!


result language chinese announced already

i get B+........

i'm happy :)


Sunday, 23 August 2009

maybe :')

problem ago it's misunderstand
i think that story the end alredy
its may be better good soon
consist of me also
i'm unhappy everyday

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


today, my friend come on apologized with me

in everything...
nothing to write

if i'm not good

i'm so sorry anybody
from now on, story this like won't have nowadays
and i dun think it got problem this more
i wanna give this story the end now
dun mention again...the end!!

real life!!!!
i'm straightforwardly if i like
i say like but if i dislike that's dislike
not pretend!!!
i'm easy angry if i do who be pungent
i'm sorry again
tonight i say goodnight...

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


if dun like me
if dun believe me
must not talk with me
dun come on this blog!!
don't want to play blogspot already
boring all....

Friday, 7 August 2009


chill day
today nothing special
lately at this time seldom online
because start working already
and study hand also...
*lately at this time back at home late everyday
because so many work
i feel tired but be not in low spirits
be tired but i'm happy with my life like this
if i free i go trip with friends or not shopping with friends
i have friends only
now i don't want you nowadays
i can stay alone even though havn't you
**At last
next week i will to go last program leaning chinese language
being course somewhat so hard
*today update no more and no less
wish you be happy time & happy weekend
good night muahhh<33>

Saturday, 1 August 2009

have a bad temper-*-

in the morning of today
i must to go out with my friends
for to do homework and outwards already
i can go on foot a bit....
do u know what happened with me???
this morning i wear high-heeled shoes outwards
my high-heel shoes....heeled shoes to break
moody !!!in the early morning
i must to buy new shoes thereabout!!
but be boots and shoes normal not high-heel shoes

not good luck = =v

nothing to write...
have a nice day~


01 What you call :kimberly
02 Your nickname : kimmy
03 of your blood type : AB
04 constellations you : -
05 you are a man or a woman : Female
06 Age you : 20-year-old
07 Where you live : Bangkok thailand
08 You are now schools : not school but study@bangkok university
09 Do you have mobile phones : yeah~
10 contractors, that is how much:? ?

friends questions - 10 questions
11 your best friend (the one) : Amiie

12 people who hate you (limit one) : i had but i can't say

love questions - 10 questions
21 Do you have people who like: There is!

24 To date, how many people you have been Confession: No
25 To date, how many people you have been too Confession: Not count
26 so far, you handed over a number of M / girlfriend: -
27 now have the other half of it: No
28 your best friend with you same-sex confessions what you will: duno
29 of your first love with you suddenly you will accept this confession: not
30 Why do you like people like you are now: Love is not the cause of a...

31 and the other half of your hand over it: There are pull! !
32 you and the other half you have been pro-: There are pull! !
33 with the opposite hand than you do: have
34 Who is, What is the relationship between you: Friend

35 Now, some people chasing you in: There are ~

简单的问题 ~
本信息某处 ....

A short update* 01/08/2009

today got new photo*

today go to audition pretty @ HONDA so many people haha!!

and go out for had a dinner with my friends


ate so many must to fat sure = =


455 bath~

nothing written...have a good time and sweet dream

share idea okay?^^

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Nice day:)

today i'm happy
nothing special much
but i feel happy in numerous
irrespective of study, work and friends
everything to terminable because understanding
today the rain fall...boring :x
liverpool arrived in thailand
for race with team thailand
just finished to see liverpool 1-1 thailand to equal^^
i like TORRES very very handsome hehe
can't to go see at football field because so many people= =v

Sunday, 19 July 2009

i don't care :)

I do not care how people see me
i use my life to nomal
dun want worry something to do me unhappy
you use yourlife...i use mylife
lately at this time
seldom online because exam coming agian
must to read a book for prepare examination = =!
lazy but must to read
several people like say i'm chinese or not taiwanese even i'm not
about my chinese i understand little a bit not so many
I study until I can understand some of the sentence
It was decided not to face the people
think over before you say
to problem won't happened thereafter!!
so i won't care the person altogether
bored in order to explain

Saturday, 18 July 2009

A short update*

someone told me
"you not beautiful....."
"you not pretty...."
yeah~i'm accept.....i never to say with person
oh!!i'm beautiful........or i'm pretty
no no no!!!never once
i am a woman ordinary~~
not perfect but i'm sincere
i will be sincere with person sincere with me also
at 14.30 pm
went to department store with my friends
we're ate BAR-B-Q
full very...cough up about each to 450 bath
and went to "TAWANNA" for shopping
buy new jeans price about 199 bath hahaha!!:)
for photoshoot not succeed because choosing picture
i think maybe next 2 days succeed
today i see new camera
wanna buy it!!
but no money= =
just grumble and just to see no money buy:P
無聊= =

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Black hair

how?....can see?


yesterday my friends go to at salon

her wanna change hair and cut short hair

i see myself inside pane of glass i think about the whole

if i change color black hair well or not?

i ask my friends

change well or not?

her say::good i'm agreed ==

i have decided change color hair and like this

not beautiful T^T


coming soon

got new photoshoot

to be continue


Sunday, 12 July 2009

my score test chinese very bad :(

Have you ever found any such feeling annoyed or not ..?
i just find feel annoyed very very
even though it's my bedtime
it's like this over and over
but him still to do = =
i think i 'm talking with gibber person
today i got test chinese language
very hard i can do score 85/100 = =
the others can do score 90 up
got me by oneself did least score
so sad :(

Thursday, 9 July 2009

got a fever :(

yesterday get up
i feel have a headache very much
and sore throat
go to told my mom
i'm sick already
my mom bring me see to the doctor at 15.oo pm
have a temperature little a bit :: 39 c
but not H1N1
just got a fever normal
i feel relieved
begining i think i'm H1N1
because of symptom look like H1N1
if to let go symptom fall away
i maybe H1N1 really!!
if i'm disappear show that i'm die already
my health look bad everyday
be tired because i must to do homework
project and report
sleep late every night=.=
anyone ought to don't know how tired
today just a short update
because of i'm sick and weakened very
.:. 照顧你的健康 .:.

just a little girl

You ask me
Why do I?
I answered you
I do not know
or because you May not be suitable for you
But I think this is the best
I do not want to let you now no longer I did not die
if not you I live in their own
"i won't forget you"
Ps- i maybe not excellently chinese language
but i'm trying for anyone understand......:)))

sweet day

Yesterday i go to the park with my friends
funny we're taken photo so many
i like very
i'm post act so joker very very haha!!!
tomorrow go to university
got somthing must to do
many more
just thinking i know it's be tired!!!
thailand!!!!every raining
boring can't to go out=.=

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

can't to play friendster

i don't know why
i can't to play friendster
who being look like me?
tell me also
because of ?
what happened with friendster?
_ _ll
lazy to update
-the end-

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Blythe fever in thailand

Blythe Fever

so expensive very very

i wanna blythe


Friday, 3 July 2009

Day by day :)


everyone maybe to see this movie already
Reporter received the results of English
i get grade A+
very very happy
i pay attention this subject so much
because so difficult
more than to pass i'm be tired very much
and at 16.00 pm
got test chinese language
so hand againT^T
i get point 65/100
so baddddd!!!!
nothing to do
just to freetime
now i think i wanna be alone
dun wan person
because someone doing something i dislike
i feeling bored that person
tie up with me verymuch

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

sweet day:)

Very happy with my life
My heart is still strong
I hope it always will be the case
PS.i will try write blog being chinese language
if written wrong sentence i'm so sorry hahaha
but i will try learning chinese with one's full effort :P

Monday, 22 June 2009

why have not BF?:(

i write chinese language correct or not?

everyone like ask me
why you have not boyfriends?

i answer.....
i duno hahaha
maybe because i choose overabundantly!!
because i wanna have love for a long time
dun wan love just shortly
i see my friends with her boyfriends love and break up often
then i think stay single unbroken ;)
freedom dun worry surroundings


last saturday go to learning chinese language
so hand ah!!!!!!
don't want to learning hahaha!!!!
that's day learning about character

so many and hand write lah =.=
teacher say student all
must to memorize character all
this's saturday got test
i can't to do T^T
who can help me????????

- the end -


oh!long time can't update blog
today is i'm free...i duno nothing to do
i finished doing homework already
this week go to see movie with my friends

today i say about boy band chinese
why why so handsome hahaha!!!
see here!!!
name group

- the end -

Thursday, 18 June 2009


lately at this time busy very very much
must to do report,homework and project 3 method
i'm tired very very ah!!T^T
wanna crying
finished study comeback home
first things first is sleep coz sleep late every night
coz must to do homework :(
seldom relax -o-
next week
me and friends 3 ppl
conclude to go see the movie together
showing 23 june 2009
17.00 pm

Friday, 12 June 2009

Be tired :(

today is very tired

(i duno i typ this chinese sentence correct or not haha!!)

wanna cry and wanna die :(

my homework very very much
huhu!!!so bored and lazyyy!!!!
today after finished study at afternoon
i must went to interview working at corporation
very very far =.=
i sit to the bus go at there
i'm sitdown to jubilantly little
cause squat go through at corporation haha!!
i must to work return -o-
today is the weather very hot!!!!

Monday, 8 June 2009

OMG!!!! :(

today got class
first day of term begins
my professor appoint report that give we're to do
its much more =.=
me and my friends 4 ppl so that almost have a stroke haha!!!
so hard very very
we're go to sing up
because of must to use this website in operating
my professor told us must to do program business
in branch HCI business management
by means of must to find member in Facebook account 10,000 ppl
but us can to do approach strategy about to game a variety of for to catch and keep
waiting to see movie story
nothing write :P
learning chinese at school language^^
i got new friends 1 ppl
that's day us to learning about interrogative sentence
example::how old are you?
where are you come from?
what is your name?
i just to know it have website
can translate meaning a lot of
got language a lot of
include chinese also
i can used this website in translate meaning chinese language^^
henceforth won't have obstacle to field language of cyberspace
everyone can typing chinese but i reply english haha!!
i'm not chinese but i have website translate chinese language
i will to try understand chinese
the end!!!!

Saturday, 6 June 2009


this's my new blog
older blog can't to play
i duno why T^T
then i do new blog agian
hope everyone will support me :)
put into the care of my new blog with everyone too
thank you beforehand >.<
that's older blogger